Train Your Mind To Be Calm In Every Situation

Arooba Abdullah
6 min readOct 14, 2023


It simply means being aware of the current moment — your thoughts, feelings, and everything else around you — and paying attention to it. Mindfulness, which unites the mind and body, can be a great method to calm a racing mind and concentrate on your current activity. It’s common for people to have bad feelings, pain, or tension during challenging or unpleasant circumstances. Your brain requires some break to heal in these circumstances. Therefore, whenever you become aware of the same trigger, “pause” by taking several deep breaths.

Develop the ability to face challenges and find the positive in any circumstance. Do not let little setbacks cause a man to feel so guilty or upset that he gives up on trying getting better. It’s impossible to escape all issues in life. Consider a fight as a learning opportunity rather than as a goal in and of itself, which is a fairly prevalent trait of people. By dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, they detract from the present moment Unwanted ideas can make it difficult to resist negative self-talk since they make you feel insecure, doubt yourself more, and devalue yourself. Actually, positivity and optimism can improve one’s physical and mental health. Unwanted thoughts, though, might leave one feeling down and defeated.

As the Punjabi proverb says (ik chup tay so sokh) One silence and a hundred pleasure

Why is mental discipline important?

We can accomplish both our short-term and long-term goals when we have mental control. It supports a clear, assured, growth-oriented mindset that we may use to navigate both our professional and personal days. When our brains are being attacked, especially when the attack originates within us, it is difficult to accomplish our goals. These assaults have the power to divert our attention, inspire self-doubt, and halt our development. But your life is impacted by what you pay attention to. You’ll find it simpler to maintain a happy outlook if you can learn to push aside your negative ideas. Focus your efforts on preventing negative thought. We can accomplish our goals if we have a more concentrated attitude free of distracting thoughts.

Thoughts that appear positive but may actually lead to something harmful or upsetting require some mental self-control. It’s crucial to be realistic about our environments and to maintain a positive outlook. Our minds aren’t healthy when we have a poisonous amount of positivity. Just as crucial as controlling our undesired thoughts is recognizing and regulating that.

Do not forget that your mind belongs to you

Reminding yourself that you are in control is crucial, as the Whole Person approach explains. It’s up to you to put in the effort because no one else can adequately advise you on the kinds of thoughts you should or shouldn’t be having. It can be intimidating to confront your undesired ideas and put out the necessary effort to drive them away. But being courageous and overcoming the bad thoughts right away will make room for better, more optimistic thinking in the future.

You control what thoughts enter your head and how you respond to them. In the future, decide whether you’ll allow your mind to rule you or try to develop mental discipline. Everybody has the right to feel in control of their thoughts. Better Up can give you the assistance you require to stop having negative thoughts and start having positive ones that promote your overall well-being.

How to control your thoughts

It takes practice to learn how to steer your mind clear of unwelcome thoughts. It requires a lot of effort and concentration. You might feel the effects of your unpleasant ideas on certain days. However, it’s crucial to refrain from asking yourself, “Can you control your mind?” Since you very certainly can

Here are some pointers to help you learn mental self-control:

· Meditate

One of the best methods for mind training is meditation. It improves a person’s capacity for thought observation and represents the first step in changing negative thought patterns. It also facilitates the development of equanimity, clarity, and focus. Consistency is the secret. Start out modest and gradually increase your daily meditation time to 5 or 10 minutes.

· Become present in the moment.

Overthinking is simple to fall into, yet it may be distracting, counterproductive, and tiresome. The key is to recognize when you are ruminating and to gently prompt yourself to return to the present. Discover what you can see, hear, feel, smell, and taste by using all of your senses.

· Take a mental break.

The brain needs time to reset and recharge much like the body does after a set of dead lifts or a race. Rest improves concentration, imagination, vitality, and production.

Find a hobby that makes you feel rejuvenated. This might be anything from reading to gardening to jigsaw puzzle completion to listening to music, or whatever works.

· Reduce the use of digital distractions

Digital distractions can drag us away from what’s important and leave us feeling overwhelmed and worn out in today’s world. Consider performing a digital spring cleaning, such as turning off all of your phone’s notifications or setting aside regular tech-free time. You should now have more time and space to devote to the people and tasks that are most important to you.

· Put sleep first.

Our bodies and brains may heal and rejuvenate while we sleep. Additionally, it raises one’s mood, problem-solving abilities, creativity, and memory. Therefore, it’s essential that we give ourselves quality time to recharge if we want to present in the world as our best selves. Try taking an afternoon nap or going to bed an hour earlier than normal.

· Utilize your habits

The secret to mind training is repetition, and we have a built-in neurological system that we may use as support. Consider incorporating meditation into an existing habit, such as the time you spend cleaning your teeth. Your toothbrush will eventually serve as a mental prompt for your meditation routine.

· Learn to let go.

Trying to manage the people and events in our lives can only lead to anxiety and tiredness. Accept the things you cannot change, and allow your current best efforts to suffice. Be nice to the part of you that finds letting go challenging because it needs practice and patience.

· Be aware of your gut feeling.

It entails tuning into and having faith in your intuition when training the mind. It’s important to pay attention to your gut instinct and follow your inner guidance. Although it isn’t always simple, this is an effective technique to create a trustworthy bond with ourselves.

· Regularly exercise your brain muscles

The four “muscles of the mind” are concentration, clarity, serenity, and compassion. They all work to promote our general health and wellbeing. But just like developing our physical muscles, developing our mental muscles takes time, effort, and consistency. You can use a variety of mental strength training exercises from our Mental Fitness Guide wherever and anytime.

People will live in a far more moderate and kinder society if they learn to control their thoughts and reactions. Everything begins with adopting the proper attitude and consciously choosing not to let aches and sufferings bring you down. New habits can be formed by taking tiny steps. The greatest way to alter something is to move forward and take the initial step, hoping that the momentum will help us let go of any fear and resistance. Always keep in mind that your pleasure depends only on the caliber of the thoughts you choose to entertain, not on how your life “looks.”



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